make your data
your compass

100% Australian owned and operated
Architecting. Consulting. Training.

Looking for a skilled and experienced team to guide, advise and deliver on your organisation's data goals?
For quality, integrity and value, search no more.
What we can do for you

Over the past two decades, we have delivered dozens of enterprise data warehouse and business intelligence solutions that have transformed the way decision makers use their operating data to run their organisation.

In brief, success with data involves 3 steps:
1. Training stakeholders, to optimise the organisation’s mindset and skillset
2. Architecting the data warehouse: a cleased, reconciled and secured repository, your single source of truth
3. Consulting with users to deliver on their evolving data aspirations: including personalised customer marketing, dashboards and insights, automated reporting, machine learning and artificial intelligence

We work with clients to holistically deliver in all of these areas, in ways that maximise organisational buyin and ownership. Our work is done when you have a reliable, automated, intelligent, futureproofed, low-cost, low-maintenance solution that is a thrill - not a threat - for your users.

All too often, data projects fail to produce user engagement and/or adequate ROI. Promises by supplier marketing teams can fail to translate into technical outcomes anywhere near the budgets and timeframes initially stated. Our long experience makes us an ideal sounding board at all stages of the data journey, including:

A solid foundation: decision-makers uncover their blindspots, expand their knowledge and understand what change is possible and how to bring it about
The data roadmap: stages in the creation of a data-driven culture, and how to achieve and/or accelerate progression through those stages
Build or buy: evaluating internal and external technical resources in order to make the optimal decision from a the viewpoints of both ROI and user buying
Tech mentor: for small or variously-skilled technical teams who are capable of ongoing maintenance but lack confidence in data architecture, cost minimisation, security or other data-related topics

Contact us to learn more about training and mentoring in these and other topics.

Our Impact

100% engagement from leadership and management teams

1000s of hours saved

Clients in finance, health, transport, government, hospitality, travel, manufacturing

Hundreds of communities served

10X return on investment in our digital marketing software

Over 10 million promos and vouchers delivered

Let your data lead the way

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